Work With Me

Congratulations on making the decision to work on your SEO! I'm an expert in SEO for small creative businesses and I am super excited to help you on this journey.

If you're a DIY-er, check out the advice section for how-to guides, audits and one-on-one communication services.

If you want me to just do it all for you, check out the services for blog writing, product description writing, emails, website optimisations and loads more options.

If you're not sure where to start, why not schedule a free, 30-min consultation call with me over Zoom, and we can discuss your business needs.

  • Website Optimisation

    Sit back and relax while I update your online store or website on your behalf, implementing a keyword strategy, innerlink strategy, and a bunch of brand new optimised content.

    Website SEO Optimisation 
  • Faire Optimisation

    Enjoy the increased visibility that comes from new optimised product listings on your Faire store, as well as a new Brand Story for your shop page and personalised advice.

    Faire SEO Package 

Do It Yourself SEO

You're the type of small business owner who loves learning new things and hates delegating. You want to learn about SEO from and expert and follow step-by-step instructions to optimise your online presense all by yourself.