Bee's Braindumps

Why I Award “Employee of the Month”

Celebrations, achievements, and why we small businesses have to toot our own horns.

Why I Award “Employee of the Month”

Celebrations, achievements, and why we small businesses have to toot our own horns.

Honesty is the Best Policy

Read about the creation of a brand new Shopify website for a client, the challenges faced and overcome, and why honesty is always the best policy.

Honesty is the Best Policy

Read about the creation of a brand new Shopify website for a client, the challenges faced and overcome, and why honesty is always the best policy.

What's My Why?

Why this Bitch does what they do.

What's My Why?

Why this Bitch does what they do.

Reignited Fire

Learn about the latest in Bee's life and from where they draw fire and passion.

Reignited Fire

Learn about the latest in Bee's life and from where they draw fire and passion.

Happy New Year!

A look back at the insanity of 2023 and a look forward to the assumed insanity of 2024.

Happy New Year!

A look back at the insanity of 2023 and a look forward to the assumed insanity of 2024.

The Struggles of a Small Business Owner

Something a little personal today - self love in small business and why we need to work and listen to others.

The Struggles of a Small Business Owner

Something a little personal today - self love in small business and why we need to work and listen to others.